Monday, July 23, 2012

Perfect Hair Tie

I get migraines like there is no tomorrow. On top of my hereditary migraines (thanks, Mom), I have had a series of concussions in the past year (four- I am not kidding!), which cause really, really bad headaches. 

Naturally, I have wandered away from headbands, which makes me really sad. I can still wear them, but I have to find the perfect ones that fit my head so that they don't give me headaches more than necessary. And I thought that was bad- I know have to carefully choose my hair ties as well!

The thick ones make my head hurt once in a while (it's annoying that it's not all of the time...) and the too thin and small ones either snap or pull at my hair. I've settled with the bigger thin ones from CVS (I forgot the brand, sorry), but lately, I may just have to gravitate toward these:

I've been seeing them around for a while and I tried my friend's this year, and I just might have to pick one of these up... There are wicked expensive brands, but I found a 10 for $10 deal on Etsy, from Summer's Inspirations. They also have a 20 for $19.95, as well. 

They would look cute as bracelets as well- nothing like the dull, black, hair ties that I am currently using! :) 

Have any of you guys tried these hair ties out? How do they feel?