Thursday, December 6, 2012

Classically Formal

My sorority Alpha Omicron Pi had a formal last weekend!

We rented out a restaurant - they had Mediterranean food and most of it was fabulous :) 

I know it's weird that I blur out my fotos, but I feel like it's weird putting other people's faces up on such a public domain without their permission... So if you're in one of these photos, let me know if it makes you feel uncomfortable of if you want your face in it, haha. 

I can't believe that this is my second to last formal. Crazy, huh? 
I still remember going through recruitment and getting my bid like it was yesterday! 

1 comment:

  1. Have we talked about you being an AOII before? All of the women in my family( except me!) are AOIIs! My grandma was even a National Officer for 10 years. During part of the time, she founded the AOII foundation!
