Saturday, August 11, 2012

Current Lusting: Scalloped Dress

Tiered-Scallop Tank Dress 
My lovelies, I am in the middle of a dilemma. What to do, what to do?!
I am in love with this dress. This beautiful, not-sure-what-colour-this-is-but-tanish, scalloped dress from Old Navy.
I really like scalloped shorts, but I haven't really decided how I feel about it on dresses, but I think I really like this dress. I like this dress because it is just so classy and would look good as a summer-to-fall dress. Or a summer-to-fall dinner dress. Or summer-to-fall anytime dress. Or summer-2013 dress.

Except I've just sworn myself off from shopping. Because I spent way too much money in one week. 
The thing is, the dress is $24 on sale + shipping so I am really, really tempted to buy it. But tid bits of money all add up to a lot. So I really shouldn't. Sigh. What to do?


  1. Ummmm $24 with shipping included?! This dress is pretty much begging you to buy it! You can wear it in the summer or pair it with tights and a blazer for fall. You should get itttt :)

  2. It's so cheap! Definitely a buy! You can pair it with boots and tights in the fall!
