Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Darling Desks

I've moved back home from school for the summer.
It's my last summer as a college student and also probably the last at my home.
And oh my god. The things I own have definitely increased over this year!
I actually can't fit everything in my room. WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
My desk is especially a nightmare. Since I never spend time in my room (I've gone back for a month or so every summer and I usually waitress insane hours) and I don't use my desk, I haven't really bothered to really clean the top of it since I left for boarding school.
Yeah... It's preeeeetty bad.
So I've been lusting over pretty desks.

I love love love this desk! And its light blue colour.
Desks in a closet is the most adorable thing ever and the flower prints. 
I'm not much of a crafter so it will definitely be less crafting supplies if I did this, but the concept is adorable. 

Can I say TO DIE FOR?!?!
White, pink, and green! The pink storage boxes are adorable. 
I just want to grab this desk out of the photo and put it in my room. 
Also the LOVE book ends. Love it. 

Love the simplicity of this desk. I also love the white. 
Clearly, the colours are usually the thing that gets me, ahaha :) 
I like how you can stick things onto the wall like that. 

image from http://www.bhg.com/
Not only do I love the colours (hint: this blue shade is clearly one of my favourites haha), I love the concept. 
It's so cute that you share a desk space with someone. It kind of reminds me of freshman and sophomore year of college... but cuter. 
This is so adorable :) 

 I could pull up so many more of these, but I think I will stop here for now.
Anyone else have any gorgeous desks? :) 


  1. I'm loving the paisley chair in the second pic! I think it's important to have a cute desk space so you don't dread doing work!

    P.S. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Have a great night!

  2. I like the wallpaper in the first one, and I also love the paisley chair in the second one. I guess it's time for me to spruce up my desk space!!

