Wednesday, December 19, 2012

OOTD - Exam Edition

From yesterday for my exam!

Do any of you dress in a particular way for exams? 
I used to dress in sweatpants freshman year so that I would have maximum comfort, but my clothing taste for exams (ahem) have changed over time... 

Nowadays, I like to go for comfort and classy for exams- it's important for me to dress up so that I feel good about myself, but I want to be comfortable when I take my exams. 

Shirt: Gilly Hicks
Cable Knit: Vineyard Vines
Pants: Japan (Honeys) 
Boots: DSW 
Scarf: Spain 

What're your favourite "exam outfits"? 


  1. Jeans and a sweatshirt are still my go to! But I appreciate the added classiness of your exam outfit.

  2. I loved dressing cute but comfy for exams, too! Plus, when it's a big class, I like being the best looking girl in the room on the last day! haha a perfect confidence boost!
